N.N.C Ship Agency services have been initiated since 1998. N.N.C is one of the Leading providers of shipping agency services covering major Egyptian Ports by offering a wide range of shipping and logistic services.
Our Agency Team is committed to provide a high quality of service in general agency, husbandry agency, and Suez Canal transit agency to our clients with competitive prices and operational feeder service for transporting all types of containers between Egyptian ports.
N.N.C provides reliable and professional services to many reputable ship owners, charterers, and traders. And proceeds with entry & clearance of all vessels as soon as possible considering the port conditions due to our strong relationships with the concerned parties at the ports.
Our Services:
Full Agent:
NNC is seeking for enhancing customer satisfaction by determining and meeting their requirements.
N.N.C husbandry agent services are provided on time and well-coordinated with the vessel operation Services that can be performed efficiently and effectively up-on request with highly expertised team to ensure that vessel, crew, cargo and cash are in safe hands.
Husbandry services
N.N.C Suez Canal Transiting Agent for vessels’ owners, operators, provides all the services required with high qualified experienced team ensuring smooth Suez Canal Transit, solving, checking and follow-up the arrival, berthing or transiting the canal and ensuring that all services rendered according to Owners/Masters needs and expectations.
1. Realistic Proforma D/A
2. Suez Canal northbound transit guide.
3. Suez Canal southbound transit guide.
4. Ensuring that Suez Canal tolls have been calculated properly with no dispute what so ever.
5. Checking any financial transactions.
6. Accurate Final D/A with all supported documents.
7. Offering the best possible service, all year around.
Transit Agency Services
Mr. Khaled El Bayoumy
Superior Specialist
29 Masged El-Naser St. – Smouha P.O. Box: 157 Sidi Gaber.
Mr. Amr Mazhar
Senior Agency Specialist
Mr. Moh. Amir Khedewi
First Agency Specialist
Mr. Mourad Khalifa
Agency Specialist
Mr. Ayman Khallaf
Agency Specialist
Mr. Ahmed Fadel
Agency Specialist
Mr. Amr El Shehaby
Agency Specialist
42 El Geish St.- Port Tawfik.
Mr. Essam El Hariry
Superior Agency Specialist
1st Floor Al Masagria building - Palestine St.
Mr. Ahmed Fouad
Agency Specialist
252 Investment building.
Mr. Mohamed Ismael
First Agency Specialist